Below are some pictures of fake Bulgarian "uncleaned Roman" coins which were found end of 2003, early 2004 in batches of uncleaned coins sold by dealers all over the world.
Since then the fakers in Eastern Europe, notably Bulgaria are making extremely good fakes using a striking process and shifting them to western Europe using friends and family as mules, travelling unsearched and protected by the ridiculous, over-liberal, "we are all well-meaning brothers and sisters" EU laws, which means that when they arrive in e.g. Germany, France or England, their luggage is not searched - hence the increase of fakes now being sold from addresses in these countries - often with the seller knowing full well that they are fakes but enjoying huge profits from the sales. (One fake seller in Germany was raking in over 12,000 Euros a month selling fakes, until the police caught up with him).
Note that the images below are only a few samples of the old 2003-2004 fakes. Just about every type of common-ish bronze coin is now in circulation as a fake. Most fakes are those of Constantine I and II, Licinius I and II, Constans, Constantius I and II, Valens, Jovian, Septimius Severus.

If you are new to the wonderful world of Roman coin collecting, and are thinking of buying coins on ebay, please use common sense. Visit other websites such as the ones mentioned on the main page to compare the coins you are thinking of buying, with genuine ones.

Some visible giveaways of some (but not all) of these fakes are:

Before buying any individual coins on ebay: Links to sites with more information about these fake coins:
One of the threads on the Forvm Ancient Coins
A huge collection of fakes on the Forvm Ancient Coins
Forgery Not quite as easy to use as Forum's fake gallery, so just enter the emperors name in the "Enter Keyword(s)" field.
Bob Bischoffs pages about Bulgarian and other fakes.
Fake CampgateFake Fel Temp phoenix
Fake ByzantineFake Byzantine Monogram
Fake Wolf and TwinsFake Secvritas - Victory
Fake Soldiers and standardsFake Two Victories
Fake Gloria RomanorumFake Jovian VOTs
Fake Fel TempFake Victory on Prow
Fake Victory advancing leftFake Sacra Monet Fake Virtus..captives below banner